
Immigration and Citizenship Authority deploys Comtrac to enhance enforcement operations

PNG Immigration

The Papua New Guinea (PNG) Immigration and Citizenship Authority (ICA) officially launched Comtrac as their new digital evidence and case management system.The ribbon-cutting ceremony commemorated PNG officers “going live” in the system and was held on 17 November 2021 at the PNG Immigration Headquarters in Waigani, with Comtrac representatives attending virtually.

Comtrac’s evidence and case management system was selected as it streamlines and reduces the time it takes for PNG ICA compliance, enforcement and legal officers to conduct investigations.

ICA is the first PNG government agency to implement Comtrac, allowing officers to enter all compliance data online, decreasing workload, improving data security, and reporting timeframe.

Mr Stan Hulahau, Chief Migration Officer, was proud to launch Comtrac. After viewing the final system demonstration, Mr Hulahau thanked the team at Comtrac for their hard work, saying the system “was the best investigations platform” and “will enhance capabilities and limit the current time investigating cases.”

Both PNG ICA and Comtrac staff worked closely together to ensure the system was configured to meet the requirements of PNG ICA and ensure best practices for their officers.

Craig Doran, Comtrac’s Founder and CEO, was pleased to officially launch the system:

“We are honoured for Comtrac to officially go live in Papua New Guinea. The Papua New Guinea Immigration and Citizenship Authority and Comtrac’s team based in Brisbane has worked collaboratively to ensure the best possible outcome for the people in PNG.”

“We look forward to our ongoing relationship, and finding ways to support the compliance, enforcement and legal officers on the ground.”

Kerri Collins, Comtrac’s Executive Client Engagement Manager was delighted to see the system “go live” in PNG, remarking:

“I am thrilled to work closely with PNG ICA as their Executive Client Engagement Manager and to continue to collaborate and advocate for users to optimise their Comtrac experience and reap the efficiencies this system provides.”

Mr Hulahau discussed the importance of data, information and reporting in managing national security and having an effective data management system to keep up-to-date records of every non-compliant foreign national who enters and resides in PNG, saying:

“Having a good case management system that records all compliance-related cases involving non-citizens is crucial to safeguard our security and protect our people from non-complying non-citizens who can do harm to our people.”

Comtrac’s system replaces PNG ICA’s manual records and filings, significantly streamlining compliance, enforcement and legal operations while providing officers with real-time information regarding persons of interest.

“This database would greatly assist our officers to record and update information on every non-compliant non-citizen and would assist us to easily filter records and history of any persons of interest,” Mr Hulahau explained.

Security is at the heart of Comtrac’s evidence and case management system. The system simplifies and streamlines the storage of investigative activities, records information about persons of interest, enabling PNG ICA’s officers to access the system on their mobile devices.

Mr Hulahau expressed his excitement to see the results delivered in key areas of the investigations, legal, compliance and regulatory teams.