
NHVR enhance road safety and compliance with streamlined investigation platform


The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) is Australia’s independent regulator for heavy vehicles with a gross vehicle mass greater than 4.5 tonnes. The NHVR collaborates with states and territories, industries, partner agencies, and local governments to drive sustainable improvements to safety, productivity, and efficiency across the Australian heavy vehicle road transport sector. Comtrac’s Azure-driven platform for case, evidence, and digital brief management has enhanced NHVR’s investigations, delivering increased transparency and consistency. This has improved efficiency in investigations and led to improved road safety.

“The NHVR team continues to improve its processes through the introduction of leading new technology such as Comtrac, an investigation software where our investigators have a systemised case management system that makes the day-to-day workloads manageable and accountable.” — Emma Watson, Director Investigations, Statutory Compliance NHVR*

Customer Challenges

In 2018, Australia’s NHVR sought a case management system (CSM) specific to its needs. The agency required a CSM that would align with its corporate plan, which included requirements to improve information delivery and to support NHVR safety, compliance, and enforcement activities. The agency is also required to create consistent and effective safety outcomes through national coordination of compliance, enforcement, and assurance activities.

Partner Solution

This Azure powered Comtrac solution is used by law enforcement, statutory regulatory authorities, and private-sector clients to provide a consistent approach for managing investigations. The platform automatically customises the investigative workflow and builds digital briefs of evidence as investigations progress. Comtrac delivers increased transparency and consistency to streamline investigations, and the solution automatically generates briefs of evidence and investigative outputs.

Customer Benefits

Investigations undertaken by NHVR have been significantly enhanced through Comtrac’s unique methodology of mapping evidence to offence elements. Comtrac provides a comprehensive and transparent approach to investigations. Exhibit management is optimised through mapping and substantiating offences. As officers populate cases with information, Comtrac creates comprehensive digital briefs of evidence while delivering streamlined workflows.