Law enforcement and regulatory agencies continue to implement “first response” technology to enable them to provide rapid response to the call for assistance or response to a complaint. However a rapid response to complaints is only partially meeting community expectations. Community expectations in relation to the criminal justice process (i.e. from complaint to investigation outcomes) could safely be assumed to be
Rapid response to a call for assistance or a complaint
Ease of process to lodge a complaint
Investigation of the complaint
Efficiency of the investigation and its finalisation
Quality of the investigation outcome
As initially stated in this article, law enforcement and regulatory agencies have made significant advantages in first response technology. However, more often than not, the adoption of technology in law enforcement agencies and regulatory agencies is focused on the first response (recording of the complaint) and not the actual investigation management (criminal justice process) .
The complainant may be initially encouraged with ease and efficiency the agency applies to responding and recording a complaint but unless the matter is satisfactorily resolved in an acceptable time frame, the initial satisfaction of the processing of the complaint is quickly overwriting by the frustration of the lengthy period of investigation and resolution of the complaint.
Admittedly, agency investigations are not completely void of technology innovations, but often those innovations are focused on data analytics (intelligence) and major incidents (task management) which form only a small percentage of the actual investigative activities that are undertaken by the majority of investigators within an agency.
Community expectations, although partly met by a rapid response and acknowledgement of their complaint, are primarily satisfied by the efficiency and quality of the investigation outcomes.
Request a short 30 minute demo to see how Comtrac can increase the efficiency of investigations, the quality of investigations almost overnight with the implementation of the Elementising Evidence investigation and evidence management methodology.
With Comtrac as your investigation partner, you are able to increase your front line capacity while resting assured Comtrac is by your side as your partner helping strengthen results, reducing risk and improving the overall quality of your investigations.